As I observe the world, I see that there are many moments where people don’t feel all right about their lives. This is normal, because there is a lot of stress, programming, and conditioning about achievement, about becoming. It is difficult to be all right with yourself as-you-are. You look outside and perceive examples and possibilities that you don’t seem to measure up to.
As children you began with the stress and conditions to achieve, to make a mark on the world, and you react to that. You rebel, or you strive for some goal, some believed-in possibility, but ultimately what you are left with is not all right. You don’t have enough of whatever it takes to be what you’re supposed to be. You feel limited, distracted, distorted. This is human nature.
There are such high ideals placed before you, such goals of achievement. Your parents are pushing you to become something. Friends are stirring up desires to become something. When you look at the world, you can see the consequences of that conditioning. There is never enough. You are not satisfied with what-is. You don’t have the right things, but you perceive that other people do. So your existence is filled with the struggle and stress of striving to get the things you want, even if you have to take them from others. You don’t have the talent or the energy for success, and so you have to manipulate and control your environment to get what you want, to get what you need. No wonder there is so much stress in the world. No wonder there is so much dissatisfaction. It’s just not all right. Life is just not all right. It’s not enough.
The conditional expectations create a lot of self-centeredness and selfishness. You are so self-concerned about what is happening to you, that you fail to see that what is happening to you is happening to the whole world. Everyone is the same. Everyone has the same human, conditional motivations and accomplishments. Naturally, there is the projection of a need to get something, to arrive somewhere, possibly to escape the consensus reality of conditional life. Humans have come up with many ways of escape, yet always there is something wrong with their life. Something is always missing. It is never enough. The brain looks to the outside and attempts to achieve some level of connection in order to gain a sense of satisfaction and all rightness, but doing this is manipulation and control.
With human life being such, does it have a purpose? Could Life waste so much of itself in this striving, or is there simply a misunderstanding? Have humans taken a detour, getting themselves caught in various structures and systems and beliefs and conditions? Are humans missing the point?
Maybe people are missing the point that Life is about being with what-is, and when you are totally being with what-is you also recognize the creative power you have. You have power, you have ability, you have inspiration. These too are human aspects. Oh, the intellect may decide that you’re not good enough, that you’re not capable, but that is simply a misunderstanding of Life, a misinterpretation. You are Life. You are existence. You are now, this moment, this being. And sitting with you in this moment are the expectations, the desires, the projections. You resist. You attach. You want. You don’t want. These are human sentiments that come from the intellect; they are conditional, consensus-reality mechanisms.
The trick is realizing that you are more, that you are sufficient within yourself, that you could not have existed or survived without these mechanisms. Realize that you survived in this world of chaos, of indifference, of conditions, of consensus reality, beliefs, the other. Acknowledge that you are quite good at being in Life. You are efficient. You lived. You have brought yourself to this moment, which is an accomplishment. So it’s getting to that place where you are all right with you the way you are. It’s sometimes hard when you look outside and see others who seem to be better, smarter, more aware, who seem to have more. However, you are also honest. You notice that there are those who have less, know less, can do less, are more limited than you. There is a whole gamut of experiences in Life.
Ideally humans could achieve a degree of awareness where each level of existence could be acknowledged and accepted as-is. You could then look at individuals whom you perceive as less fortunate, as fulfilling some gap in your life experience; they don’t have less because they’re inefficient, they simply have what-is. There is so much competition in this world. Competition leads to strife, distress, struggle, and separation. Nations compete against nations. World powers have to act powerfully in order to remain world powers, which means they have to control a lot, and control is energy inefficient. Control consumes tremendous amounts of energy. In the big control game the energy is most likely to run out at some point, and the super power will be no more. The giant is gone. You could become one of those individuals who run dry, who run out of source energy, inspiration.
It is time for humans to wake up. It is time for you to awaken to who you are and find a place of all rightness with that. The greatest gift in Life is to finally become all right with you, not someone else, but you. Oh yes, there are always those perceptions of not being enough, of lacking this, or having too much of that. Those are minor details. I know, the world makes them major details, but they are minor, because what do they have to do with Is-ness, with who you are?
You learn to live within your energy field. You learn to accept your talents. I see so many individuals who have a lot of talent, but they don’t believe that, because it doesn’t look like talent to them; it doesn’t look like someone else’s ability, so they deny their own resourcefulness. There is so much denial in the world. However, if you can bring yourself to accept who you are, unconditionally, you embrace a great gift. You then simply realize, “OK, this is me. I am this manifestation of Life, of The Consciousness. This is me. This is what’s happening. This is what I can do. Who cares about what I can’t do?” You focus on what you can do. I know that is a novel, unique approach, because you have been conditioned to focus on what you can’t do, even though you have to do it anyway. What a long hard life of stress and disappointments!
To live within one’s means is intelligence. You recognize what you have--your abilities, your capabilities--and you own those qualities. You realize that Life has given you just exactly what you need to be you, not to be someone else, not to achieve someone else’s goal, or dream, or expectation, but to be you, to be who you are. You finally move into this position where you are all right with what-is, where you realize that you have power, ability, and purpose, that you are inspired by Life to live your purpose, your beingness.
It is not predestined. You are a synergy of possibilities, and the more energy you have use of, the more these possibilities manifest. If your energy is being squandered on the other, i.e. on the outside, on resistance, on attachments or projections, you can do the math: you just don’t have enough energy left to be who you are; you have already spent it on who you are not. Such a waste. However, the beauty of energy is that once you wake up to what’s been happening, it comes back to you. You can’t squander it forever. The moment you stop squandering it, it accumulates. It starts up again.
So, you can in this moment become all right with you, and realize that what makes you unhappy, what causes dissatisfaction, are simply conditional expectations about Life. When you become all right with you, you become all right with your life, and you find that your life fills up with beautiful reflections. The gratification of knowing that you are you, that you are valuable, that you are everything you can be in this moment, is one of the greatest kept secrets in the universe: you always are all you can be in the moment. The bare bone fact of it is that you are all you can be in this moment. If you can accept that, and move on from there, you’ll find that all you can be is cumulative. You keep becoming more, because there is no stopping place. There is no limit to being. There is no limit to the manifestation of The Consciousness. There are no boundaries.
With awakening, wonderful things begin to happen with the brain. When one begins to move into the natural state of existence, there are changes that take place within the body and the brain. These changes are subtle, but the ramifications are monumental to society, to humanity, to the earth.
© Alaya 2003 - 2006
Ishvara is the spiritual leader of Alaya, an independent non-profit spiritual organization dedicated to the ongoing awakening of the highest consciousness. We invite you to visit our website at