Sunday, June 11, 2006


Recently, someone asked, "Why is there so much violence?" Violence is the
norm in human existence. We don't see it that way most of the time. We
imagine ourselves to be civilized and intelligent: civilized people bombing
other people; intelligent people destroying and using up the earth in
various ways.

What will it take for humans to wake up? What is it going to take to get
humans to move from the base of the brain, that primitive animal-like
existence of survival and violence, into the fore brain, the seat of
intelligence and connection and awareness?

First, we have to recognize that in order for the human race to continue, it
had to survive at all costs. Reactive measures and combative behaviors are
all part of survival, and those primitive instincts are still in tact today.
Shoot first, ask questions later. Most religions and spiritual disciplines
of the world have done little to change that primitive level of human
existence. Psychologies address the situation, but they seem to focus on
controlling or sup-pressing that violent impulse, or to redirect it into
something a little more constructive perhaps (unless of course you need some

It's difficult for me to imagine how a person can be violent. I was born
without violence. I have always been a very peaceful, compassionate, and
loving individual. My brain works differently. It doesn't operate in
survival mode. I don't even think I have a survival mode. I've never felt
the need for survival.

I see that we need to get to the core, to the bottom, of the source of that
violence in the primitive brain. That primitive brain needs to be
transcended. We imagine that the human race couldn't survive without the
primitive brain, but I realize that with that primitive brain the human race
won't survive. I am saying that it's not working. Your psychology, systems,
structures, and religions are just sort of staying the course. I see that
there needs to be some kind of lobotomy. Call it a spiritual lobotomy, a
waking-up lobotomy. What is it going to take to make the shift? How is the
human brain going to function at a higher frequency, a higher level? What
will it take to delete those primitive neural pathways and implement neural
pathways that hold a higher possibility of connected existence?

Since the awakening my primitive brain has become dormant, and it has become
just a source of energy. It doesn't get to control me any longer. When you
resonate with the higher frequency energy field that I am, your body, your
cells recognize that. You shift from survival mode to creative mode.

You start by looking at the ways you live in the world. You begin to think
about what motivates you. You realize, for example, how the media use
motivation. I saw a short video clip about Betty Crocker's invention of
boxed cake mixes in the 1950's. They were supposed to be a time-saving
convenience for the housewife, but nobody would buy them, even though in the
pre-tests the women said that the cake mixes would be great. After
psychological analyzing, it was found that housewives felt guilty if they
used these instant cake mixes because they weren't doing their job. "You
have to slave away in the kitchen for your hubby. You have to work your
fingers to the bone to be appreciated, otherwise you feel guilty. This is
too easy." Betty Crocker changed the formula of the cake mix, requiring that
an egg was added. Now the mixes sold like hot cakes. Imagine that! Just
adding an egg. The wife no longer felt guilty, because now she had to mix
her own egg into it. That is the heart of consumerism! That is the heart of
the corporation. That is the heart of the government. That is the heart of
manipulation, programming, and mass hypnosis.

You see, the human race is constantly being manipulated and controlled by
its own primitive instincts. We cannot solve this problem at the level of
the problem. We need to rise above those primitive instincts. When we are no
longer controlled by them, we can no longer be controlled by systems,
beliefs, and concepts. We can no longer be hypnotized and programmed.

The first thing you can do is change the way you think. It's not that
difficult. You know what triggers your thoughts. You know what makes you
think a certain way. You know what moves you into fear. And at the same
time, you know what moves you into connectivity, what inspires and lifts
you. You've been so used to letting thoughts have their way with you that
you accept it as normal that the primitive part of the brain is projecting
violence, destruction, disharmony, retaliation, vengeance, and jealousy.
Being aware of what you think, you practice awareness and connection, and
you start literally feeling your thoughts. You start feeling that certain
thoughts give you a belly ache, for example. You realize your thoughts are
killing you, cell by cell. Isn't that enough motivation to change your

It starts with the individual, within yourself. Your cells, your organs and
tissues start working in harmony, which is healing and transforming. The
thoughts that create your field around you become balanced and harmonious,
which nurtures and feeds the cells, and so on and so forth. It's no longer
about survival. It's about inspiring the highest elements of existence,
leaving behind the lowest, primitive, fearful elements. Think about how much
energy goes into combat, violence, and survival. How much energy would be
available for creativity if it wasn't being used for destruction?

On a personal level, you would be vibrant, full of energy and life. You
would feel inspired, glad to be alive. You start thinking differently about
everything around you, and you start feeling connected. What effect would
that have on your environment, on the world?

You can't be held responsible for being programmed, and you are not guilty.
But you need to wake up! You need to awaken to a higher potential of
existence, to hear the calling of the universe, the cosmos, to embrace The
New Consciousness. You need to leave behind the systems, structures,
beliefs, and concepts that have so enslaved humanity. You need to transcend
the primitive mode of existence. You cannot be destructive and cooperative
at the same time.

My awareness with awakening was that Life needs and demands an example of an
uncontrolled, unprogrammed existence that is free of belief, an existence
that is beyond consensus reality, an existence that embraces the perceived
impossibility of a higher Life, of a Life that is in total connection with
the universe. Do you see why I am here? I have come to show you the way, to
inspire you into liberation, not by control, not by creating a new religion,
not by another system, not by hypnotic processes and programs, but by being
the living example.

Allow for the possibility that you can change your thought patterns. That's
all you have to do. You, too, can live beyond the realm of survival,
violence, and fear by recreating your life. Just allow that it's possible.

©Alaya 2006